June 21, 2007
by KKM Freedom Writer
The communist regime of Vietnam is trying to imitate the communist China's path: "building a powerful economy and then walk away from the West, in particular the US on human rights". Today China, based on its powerful economy, is trying make friends with nations that the free world considers rogue nations--namely Sudan, Burma, Iran, etc. It is a tragedy that the world continues to empower the communist China, while its regime continue to silence and oppress its own people in the name of human rights.
Vietnam is walking on the similar steps as today China. It is the greedy bosses of the West that see profits over long-term survival of the free world. What is really the role of these transnational corporations? These transnational corporations certainly do not possess the moral responsibility to better humanity but themselves.
And then what is the role of the free world political leaders such as the US, Japan, UK, France, Canada, Australia, etc? To grant these rogue states and/or the communist regimes into WTO is already a tragic cause for humanity--analogously "to feed a hungry tiger!" The Rises of China is the Rise of communism. The Rises of Vietnam is so too the Rise of communism. Do not forget that Vietnamese communists are making trips back and forth to Beijing and Havana, while trying to steal technological know-hows and economic well-being from the West--in particular from the US and Europe.
The free world is too preoccupied with fighting terrorism, while allowing communism slipping through the cracks. The revival of communism in China is evidenced, per its build-up of military capabilities from its economic growth. Not only that, China today is to overcast a cloud over entire Asia, if not the world yet.