Hanoi Regime Continues to Hang on to Power

by KKM Writer

In particular the US and as well as the free world have so far been buying into the communists that the only policy toward the communist countries is 'engagement'.

This policy is clearly not working with the communist Vietnam. Vietnam is more powerful than ever before their economic liberalization. Since its acceptance to ASEAN, APEC, and most importantly the WTO membership, Vietnam is economically somewhat self-dependent. Of recent events that Vietnam was offered a UN Security Council seat, Vietnam is on a roller-coaster ride on its repressive and corrupt regime.

Khmer-Krom people in the Mekong delta is clearly a victim of Vietnam's newly-gained clout over world affairs and its influence.

While Vietnam authorities are boasting their bogus successes and rhetorics at the United Nations, the Khmer-Krom people continue to face dire poverty, landlessness, religious oppression, political disappearance, eco-soc decay, and intimidations and harassments.

Khmer-Krom children are dropping out of school and the few Khmer-Krom graduates are facing high rate of unemployment. Khmer-Krom young and old are leaving their traditional towns and villages in search of employment in the Vietnamese-concentrated towns and cities.

Khmer-Krom's future is looking very bleak, while Vietnam is celebrating its success to continue its oppression against its ordinary citizens, including the indigenous Khmer-Krom in the Mekong Delta.